Tuesday, July 04, 2006

4th of July

So today we wanted to have a BBQ in the park. Instead of a BBQ, we heated up our tofu hot dogs on our new camp stove and instead of being in a park we had our picnic in some gated community's backyard. abby didn't partake of the grub as she was recovering. amanda on the other hand, ate for two. she had goat yogurt and berries, a cup of OJ, 2 tofu hot dogs with sauerkraut and avocado, salad with fresh corn and tamari sunflower seeds, half a large bag of salt and vinegar kettle chips, 2 pieces of whole foods pizza, 1 string cheese, 1 soy chai, and an "endangered species" mint chocolate bar. we saw fire works far off in the distance and also heard some folks setting off fireworks in the parking lot outside our window. we all juggled in the "park" today and boo made great strides with 3 clubs.