Friday, August 04, 2006
Chicago and Rumble Strips Vol 2 issues 11 - 13
The rain finally died down to a light drizzle yesterday and we left our hotel around 11 am. We were on a crazy route, with turns every .3 miles. we arrived in chicago 7 hours later after navigating through neighborhoods for 60 miles. we arrived at our friend paul's house and have been dining well since our arrival. tonight takes the cake! we were treated to an incredible dinner at Bistro Campagne, a delicious organic french restaurant. by far the best restaurant of the tour! chef michael altenberg fed us: fine bread and butter (amanda had 2 loaves herself), tuna with pesto and farmer's braised greens, macaroni and cheese, salad, peach tarte with vanilla ice cream. tomorrow is our show at the old town school of folk music and our friend and fellow musician John Lambdin flew out to play his fiddle and lap steel with us for a few days. rick whitmore is back on the scene and will be attending tomorrow nights show.
boo and greg got to visit rigley field
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